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Black Hawk LowBoy Quad Package

Black Hawk Paramotors:
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   Black Hawk Packages
   LowBoy II Quad
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Black Hawk Low-Boy Quad Package

Now on sale for only $7495

Includes: 100cc Black Hawk Paramotor with Rhino Cage Option (313cc extra), Low Boy Quad, Paratoys Paraglider, Paratoys exclusive training DVDs & manuals, Risk And Reward DVD, PPG Bible, flight suit, wind sock, prop cover, BH suit case, cinch sack, oil mixing bottle, gas mirror, 1st bottle of TTS oil, everything you need to fly for powered paragliding!

BLACK HAWK PARAMOTORS, the #1 selling Paramotor in America!
Paratoys is proud to offer the highest quality paramotor & paraglider package on the market today, the Black Hawk Paramotor has superb craftsmanship and beautiful cosmetics combined with the perfect design for ease of launch, great weight shift, portabilty and extreme comfort! It is very rare in this world to be able to buy the Mercedes Benz quality at the Toyota price, but that is exactly the case with this very complete Black Hawk flying package we are offering today!

Black Hawk LowBoy Quad
Suitcase Cage

100cc Motor $7495.00

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313cc Motor $8395.00

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Lowboy Quad $1595.00
(no motor, wing or acc)
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Black Hawk LowBoy Quad
Rhino Cage

100cc Motor $7770.00

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313cc Motor $8670.002

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Black Hawk Paramotors:
   Black Hawk Overview
   Black Hawk Packages
   LowBoy II Quad
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