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Fresh Breeze Monster Hirth

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German Precision Engineering
Gives You
Enormous Power and Great Handling for Tandem Flight



This Paramotor was specifically developed for Tandem flying. It is based on the Hirth Aero F33. To satisfy the high expectations flying tandem, the emphasis is on power and handling.

Why would you want the Fresh Breeze Hirth Aero F33 "Monster" Motor?

  • The enormous thrust of over 175 lbs with a relatively small 48 inch propeller makes for short, safe take-offs.
           This is excellent for tandem flying, "Big Boys" and power-hungry pilots.
  • The Fresh Breeze High Energy Ignition is installed.
           This is not available on any other unit.
  • The Fresh Breeze pullstart is installed. Fresh Breeze motors are also available with an electric starter and a pullstart. 
           Most other units have only an electric start. With no pullstart, if the battery is dead you can't fly, and it does happen.
  • The famous BING Floatbowl Carburetor is fitted for instant starting. 
          Many other units have the less expensive Walbrocarburetorthat needs constant adjustment.
  • The Fresh Breeze tuned pipe is installed. This pipe is designed on the Fresh Breeze engine dyno to smooth out and lower the powerband of the engine. A little power is sacrificed, but the rpms are reduced to 6,000, for very quiet power and long life. 
           All other motor units use the stock pipe that tends to crack after a while and the rpms are over 7,000! 7,000 rpm tend to be very noisy.
  • Fresh Breeze, USA has all parts in stock, a very generous warranty as well as top technical support.  Fresh Breeze has been developing motors for 15 years and has an established factory and a very experienced, long-term US importer.
           With a tradition of excellence and the experience to back it up, Fresh Breeze is a company you can count on.
  • The Fresh Breeze Monster Hirth comes with a superb composite 4 blade, 48" propeller.
          Wood propellers are less expensive and make more noise.
  • Fresh Breeze uses a large, high mounted gas tank for reliable fuel delivery and long duration flights.
          Many units claim that having the fuel below the motor is of great benefit in case of fire. This becomes irrelevent when you consider the safety record of Fresh Breeze, and especially the last reason below!
  • Fresh Breeze has a separate harness that allows for great weight shift and the harness can easily be used for ground handling.
          Most harnesses are attached to the motor, and are not removable.
  • All Fresh Breeze units are destructively tested and certified by DULV. J-Bar SuspensionThey will not fall apart in high-G operations.
          No other unit offered in the US is DULV certified.
  • Fresh Breeze units feature a soft J-bar suspension system. There is also a confort bar suspension available for a lower hook in feel.
         This feature is paramount! It is a quick release that allows an emergency motor jettison feature (in compliance with german ultralight safety requirements) for even more enhanced security in flight. If there ever was a time where your motor caught on fire, you can simply pull two pins, then slide the motor pack off your back and let it go. The chances are slim that this would ever happen, but Fresh Breeze is the only motors on the market that offer this degree of safety. It's like having a reserve parachute (which is a good idea as well!), you give yourself another option for survival in aviation.
         This feature also gives you an excellent feel for your paraglider and the ability to weight shift your glider like no other unit out there. On climbout, you can simply cross your legs away from the turn induced by engine/propeller torque, and you are flying strainght! Especially valuble when Motoring to the Thermals, where you will really appreciate this unique system. You can view a Quickrelease Demonstration Video here (3.8 MB).

In short, you get what you pay for. And while you may never drive a Ferrari or a Mercedes, you can afford the superior quality and performance of Fresh Breeze. You can also download the Owner's Manual. Fresh Breeze Pricing

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