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iFlyer Paramotor

The iFlyer is a simple, low cost paramotor. It utilizes a riveted aluminum frame which can be built by the pilot, or purchased already built. Once built, it can be easily disassembled to fold into the trunk of your car.

The iFlyer is lightweight, using the time tested Top 80 motor built in Italy. It comes with a wooden prop that can be upgraded to a carbon fiber propeller at an additional $200.

The iFlyer is made for pilots up to 200 lbs that prefer to use a lighter paramotor and an efficient, modern paraglider. Pilots will depend more upon their launch and flying skills and flying habits than needing the raw power from a heavier paramotor.

The iFlyer weighs 41 lbs. dry, and is a joy to walk around, launch and fly with!

The iFlyer must be assembled, and is easily done with a few common tools. The primary tool will be a good quality Rivet Gun. All of the holes for the assembly, including the rivet holes have been pre-drilled, so assembly is simple. This way, the iFlyer can be shipped for a much lower cost than other paramotors.



iFlyer Paramotor

iFlyer Kit (assembly required) $4250

Carbon Prop Upgrade $200

No Longer

Not Applicable




iFlyer Features:


  • When idling, the propeller does not turn and there is no thrust
  • Much easier to start the motor
  • Easier to inflate the paraglider
  • Pilot can start the motor, inflate the wing, and take-off alone
  • Less torque on the pilot when accelerating or decelerating
  • Less risk of tearing apart your glider if you blow a launch and the paraglider falls over your head
  • Easier to reverse inflate the paraglider since a turning propeller has a gyroscopic effect
  • No vibration waiting for take-off or during thermalling


  • Made of aluminum alloy
  • Easy to break down the cage for transporting


  • Ample thrust for up to 200 lb. pilot
  • Light weight
  • Less vibration
  • Easier to start
  • Less fuel; less to carry
  • Less weight means a lighter frame
  • Less weight in flight means a smaller, easier to inflate paraglider
  • Less weight means not struggling with a heavy load during launch!


  • More efficient; optimized for ease of running and transport
  • Less noise because the propeller turns slower
  • Two blades makes it easy to transport it with the paraglider


  • Uses a geared reduction system
  • Minimizes size and weight
  • The motor and the propeller turn in different directions reducing the vibration and torque during acceleration and deceleration


  • Tough to cool an engine behind your back; two-stroke engines need to be reliably cooled
  • TOP 80  Minimotor is AIR COOLED with a fan
  • More power, less noise, reliable, constant power, less oil in mixture.


  • Light and simple, fits in your hand comfortably
  • Easy to use with brake toggles
  • Start at idle, no sudden blast of power, no turning propeller


  • Membrane-type; allows the engine to work in any position; petrol is not spilled, either during flight or transport. Easy to adjust.

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