Floating along quietly without the noise and vibration of the motor...
Learning and mastering more about your paraglider wing...
Soaring for hours in smooth ridge rift or ascending a mile into the air on a gentle thermal...
Hiking to the top of the hill or riding the tram to the summit with your gear in a small backpack...
Fly Above All is one of the largest paragliding schools in the country, known for training competent, safe pilots.
My friends Will Gadd and Jim Grossman flew across the U.S. from the Pacific to the Atlantic on the lightest, smallest, most economical aircraft possible: Paragliders.
Read about their adventure on the website:

United States
Powered Paragliding Association
"To Preserve, Promote and Enhance the sport of Powered Paragliding"
Paramotor support organization since February, 2001
Pro-Formance Motorsports
- A good source for Castrol TTS 2-Cycle oil!
From their website: Castrol TTS is a fully synthetic 2-Stroke motorcycle engine oil that has been designed to maintain a tough, replenishing layer of protection on critical engine parts. Castrol TTS will provide maximum and sustained engine performance, even at wide open throttle and high engine speed conditions. It delivers unbeatable protection against thermal and mechanical breakdown. Application: Castrol TTS is suitable for all types of two-stroke Japanese or European motorcycle engines running on either unleaded or leaded fuel. Designed for both oil injection and premix application, both have proven to mix readily with unleaded fuel.
Complete resources for the pilot, historian and aviation enthusiast
Atair Aerospace - The Future of Parachute Technology!
The Chimera is the evolution of Atair's Powered HAHO Pod. It is a concept vehicle intended to test advanced concepts. The Chimera is an advanced air-droppable vehicle which transitions to a ground mobility vehicle once landed. The vehicle can take off again and fly after landing. At present, two models of the Chimera are being built and tested: an ATV-like vehicle and a two-seat fast-attack vehicle with ducted fan propulsion.
Wikipedia page for Powered Paragliding
Powered Paragliding (aka paramotoring) is a form of ultralight aviation where the pilot wears a small motor on his/her back (a paramotor) and runs into the air with lift from a paraglider wing. In many countries, including the United States, it is minimally regulated and requires no license. The low and slow flying capability, 'open' feel, portability, low equipment and maintenance costs, and safety aspects for this type of flying are considered its greatest merits.
Paraglider and motor technology continue to evolve. Wing speed, motor reliability, and safety margins increase year after year. Read more here.