Training Syllabus

U.S. Powered Paragliding Association
& U.S. Ultralight Association

Copyright © 2006 USPPA
duplication prohibited without written permission
Version 10-29-2006

This guide, designed with input from a wide variety of experienced PPG instructors, is the course recommended for powered paragliding, primarily for students with minimal prior experience in paragliding. Students who are experienced paraglider pilots should still go over each item to insure that refresh and insure that they understand the necessary information.

We thank the many schools and instructors whose expertise was combined to make this thorough yet appropriate. Emphasis has been placed where the accident history suggests it’s needed.

The design allows for each major subgroup to be initialed by the student and instructor to indicate the material was covered by the instructor and understood by the student. It is meant as both a checklist and verification.

Students should keep a log that records at least the date, location, motor, wing, inflation type, number of landings and maneuvers performed for each day of flying or, if more detail is desired, each individual flight.


PPG 1 Syllabus: First Solo
This is intended to take the student through first solo under close, immediate supervision. Kiting should only be practiced with the instructor
present unless the student has a clear understanding of weather factors as outlined in the PPG 2 Syllabus. A first solo student should be watched
the entire flight.
It is advisable for students who have never piloted an aircraft (or parachute) to experience flight while at the controls of something before soloing
a PPG. This can be through towing, tandem flight (even in another type of craft) or “bunny hill” paraglider training. This reduces the chance that
they will have an adverse reaction to flight after becoming airborne for the first time under their own control.
Objective: Student should be able to kite in winds up to 12 mph, be able to launch, fly a pattern and land in a designated area with close
supervision and an instructor on the radio.
----Initials---- Curr
Task Stu Instr Date
1. Before Training Begins. Time 0:15
A. Limitations: ......................................................................................................................... _____ _____ ________
i. Student flies only with instructor approval. There is airspace where flight is prohibited due to airport proximity,
populated areas, military use, presence of dignitaries, sensitive areas and other reasons. This airspace can be
enacted at any time and violating it can result in severe penalties up to being forcibly brought down.
ii. Student must not kite except under conditions or other approval of the instructor (set wind limits and times of day).
iii. Motor should not be started until directed by instructor and only in the manner directed.
B. Risk awareness and disclosure............................................................................................. _____ _____ ________
i. Some Risks on Ground: Falling, contact with the propeller, being hit by a flyer or his gear, being dragged, lifted, or
snagged while kiting or handling the wing, other.
ii. Some Risks In Flight: Wing collapse, obstacle collision, bad landing, mid-air, other.
iii. Fill out and sign forms.
C. Payment plans and expectations. Student should know what to expect. ............................. _____ _____ ________
i. How many training sessions/days, stipulations___________________________________________________
Cost and what’s included (sign forms as applicable)_______________________________________________
ii. What gear is provided, if any, and replacement of damaged gear policy.
iii. Ratings offered and explanation of requirements. Ratings are given based on ability to demonstrate certain skills
and knowledge in addition to having the requisite experience. They are in no way guaranteed.
2. PPG 1 Knowledge. Time 3:00 including classroom, field & Video
A. Inflight. ............................................................................................................................... _____ _____ ________
i. Importance of landing into the wind.
ii. Importance and reasoning for avoiding low, downwind operations.
iii. Torque effects and implications: turn, motor twist, potential for riser twist, reducing power if it gets too bad.
iv. Brakes control of speed and temporarily affect on altitude.
v. Wake turbulence: Heavy and slow is the worst, it sinks 300-500 fpm, last up to 2 minutes, can fly through own
wake in a 360 degree turn.
vi. Brakes – maximum safe amounts and risks of exceeding (stall, spin).
vii. Recognizing wind direction.
viii. Throttle Use: only controls altitude and causes swing in the process.
B. Existence of FAR 103, restricted airspace
and the importance of learning it before proceeding beyond supervised solo...................... _____ _____ ________
C. Acceptable Flight Locations. ............................................................................................... _____ _____ ________
Until a student has gained knowledge to read sectionals and call FSS to determine the legality of his flight, the instructor
must go over areas where the student may fly.
D. Student should watch USPPA’s Risk & Reward and go over questions.............................. _____ _____ ________
This is best done after the student has spent time in the simulator.
E. Pass PPG 1 written test, go over any missed questions. ...................................................... _____ _____ ________
3. Pre-Solo Ground Handling (No Motor). Time 4:00
Best covered in a situation where the student can be shown and practice with the equipment. ........... _____ _____ ________
A. Relevant parts of the paraglider: carabiner, Risers, Brake toggles, lines,
trimmers, speedbar and other accessories as equipped. ....................................................... _____ _____ ________
B. Use of ground handling harness........................................................................................... _____ _____ ________
C. Dangers of kiting, risks of being dragged, cut, injured or killed.......................................... _____ _____ ________
D. Use of safety gear. (helmet, gloves, other as utilized).......................................................... _____ _____ ________
E. Hooking in. .......................................................................................................................... _____ _____ ________
i. Be fully ready to handle the wing. Once clipped it is possible to get lifted or dragged.
ii. Importance of verifying correct riser positioning, brake position and freedom.
F. Preparing wing..................................................................................................................... _____ _____ ________
i. Laying out properly.
ii. Avoiding tangles and getting knots out.
iii. Verifying clear lines.
iv. Proper layout.
G. Hooking in Reversed. .......................................................................................................... _____ _____ ________
H. Hooking in Forward and why proper layout is so critical for success.................................. _____ _____ ________
I. Inflation Reversed (6+ mph or so). ..................................................................................... _____ _____ ________
J. Inflation Forward (< 6 mph or so). ..................................................................................... _____ _____ ________
K. Turning around from reversed to forward and vice-versa. .................................................. _____ _____ ________
L. Kiting forward. Importance of turning and
moving forward immediately to improve control. .............................................................. _____ _____ ________
M. High Winds (explained best in a wind above 10 mph ) ...................................................... _____ _____ ________
i. Why its risky: getting dragged, lifted or caught in the lines.
ii. How wind can come up quickly and how little it takes to be risky.
iii. Description of rotor and why it’s worse in stronger winds. Use example of standing behind a wall and envision the
glider flying into a suddenly blowing wind from the building’s shadow.
iv. How to minimize getting dragged or lifted: keeping hands up.
v. De-powering the wing: using both brakes, B/C/D-line pull, only one brake to guide wing to ground, running
towards it, running around it.
vi. Getting lifted or Dragged: what to do (de-power)
N. Using throttle. It can be helpful to have the student use a dummy throttle in the appropriate
hand as he learns to ground handle. As proficiency is gained he can be told to use the
throttle and kill switch for practice. .................................................................................... _____ _____ ________
O. Once proficiency of kiting is satisfactory, do kiting with motor on but not running. Practice inflations, turning, using the
throttle and the kill switch on command. ............................................................................ _____ _____ ________
P. Parachute Landing Technique and limitations of using it with motor. ................................ _____ _____ ________
Q. Securing Equipment............................................................................................................. _____ _____ ________
i. Wing folding, stuffing and storage to reduce tangles
ii. Motor postflight and storage
4. Towing (if not used, still complete section A on risks) Time 2:00 or 0:05 if only covering section A.
A. Risks and Their Avoidance.................................................................................................. _____ _____ ________
i. Only use certified, experienced tow operators.
ii. NEVER tow behind a vehicle without a payout winch or similar due to lockout, overstress and other problems. This
is possibly the riskiest endeavor that a paraglider pilot can attempt.
B. Flying on Tow (if used) ...................................................................................................... _____ _____ ________
i. Hookup.
ii. Initial Climb.
iii. Pilot release and signals to release.
iv. Emergency procedures: lockout, no release, entanglement.
5. Pre-Solo Motor Use and Safety. Time 0:45
A. Preflight Inspection. ............................................................................................................ _____ _____ ________
i. Lift web, Carabiners & Harness connection to frame.
ii. Throttle: freedom of movement & insure carburetor/linkage resets to idle.
iii. General condition of cage, spark plug, muffler, fuel tank and other accessories.
iv. Propeller/redrive/clutch & Attachment: free moving and not hitting cage or other parts.
v. Fuel valve on (as installed), cap secure, vent free and quantity sufficient.
vi. Electrical components connected properly (as installed).
vii. Personal items or attachments clear of prop.
B. Starting & Getting in. .......................................................................................................... _____ _____ ________
i. Recheck throttle at idle, position and unable increase (stepped on or squeezed accidentally).
ii. Master on (as installed), choke/prime as required.
iii. Preferred method: pull or electric start while on pilots back, next best is to have someone else pull start while on
pilots back, next best is to position your body low enough so that full thrust will not catch the pilot off guard.
Hunker down in front of while starting. Be prepared for the motor to go to full throttle. NEVER hold by cage.
iv. Risk: Statistically, starting the motor is the riskiest thing that a paramotor pilot does.
v. Before getting in make sure the throttle is out of the way. Never reach back towards cage.
vi. Runup: Clear blast area, run-up, make sure full power is available (using Tachometer), test kill switch.
vii. Final preflight checklist (varies based on gear – see appendix).
6. Pre-Solo Simulator: Time 2:00
Do these with a distraction so the students reaction becomes automatic. Shaking the cage to simulate turbulence or running the motor
(attached to the ground via rope to minimize risk) improves realism. This has proven to be a very, very important step to improve
student reaction in flight.
A. Establish all harness/connection settings and adjustments with motor not running. ............ _____ _____ ________
B. Checklist use (see appendix or instructor provided checklist). ............................................ _____ _____ ________
C. Radio use. Insure that student can hear clearly even at high power. ................................... _____ _____ ________
D. Getting into seat with motor at high power. If release of brake(s) is required, rehearse and insure student releases brake(s)
first. This must be practiced repeatedly. Explain the likely results of pulling down the brake(s) while reaching for the seat
board: stall or spin. Adjust to make as easy as possible....................................................... _____ _____ ________
E. Risk of brake lines getting into propeller and how to avoid................................................. _____ _____ ________
F. Getting out of seat. .............................................................................................................. _____ _____ ________
G. Rehearse primary and secondary method (if available) to shut off motor. .......................... _____ _____ ________
H. Taking directions via radio. It is critical that at least one verbal method of communicating with the student is functioning and
that the student is able to respond correctly. It is recommended that any student who is unwilling or unable to react properly
to instructions be politely removed from training ................................................................ _____ _____ ________
I. Visual signals for verification or in case of radio failure.
Cover basic USPPA Signals ................................................................................................ _____ _____ ________
J. Rehearse launch, climb, getting in seat, turns (including clearing-look, shallow, look up/down, turn),
landing and flare with motor running. ................................................................................. _____ _____ ________
K. Emergencies:....................................................................................................................... _____ _____ ________
i. Rehearse recognizing parachutal stall (wing goes back and headwind dies off) and correcting (hands up, reduce
power smoothly, prepare to brake surge and steer).
ii. Rehearse what to do in case of unexpected pendulum (nothing) and how doing so will allow it to dampen out on its
own. While it is good to practice pendulum correction up high, it has proven beneficial to NOT have the student try
correcting it during landing. The dampening action (pulling brake in the direction of swing’s start) is completely
counterintuitive to a new pilot.
iii. Rehearse reserve use (as installed): “Kill, Look, grab, pull, clear and throw.” Use dummy reserve if available.
iv. Rehearse steering options in case of brake line or pulley failure: Rear riser turn, weight shift, differential trimmers.
v. Rehearse what to do in case of spin or riser twist (hands up, reduce power smoothly, prepare to brake surge and
steer). Reemphasize that this can happen with too much or too quick brake.
vi. Rehearse what to do in case of wing collapse (hands up, reduce power smoothly, then carefully steer to straighten
the flight path).
L. Rehearse controlling pitch and surge with brakes. Discuss posture and arm position.
Emphasize smooth application and maximum pull position. ............................................... _____ _____ ________
M. Rehearse surging with power and go over wing reaction to power changes.
Emphasize smooth application............................................................................................. _____ _____ ________
N. Point out torque effect and explain why to avoid turning against it. ................................... _____ _____ ________
O. Rehearse student reaction to commands (brakes, throttle and kill switch). ......................... _____ _____ ________
P. Brake position/pressures while in flight including maximum safe pull positions. .............. _____ _____ ________
Q. Landing Preparation (get out of seat, throttle idle, kill motor, only slight brake pressure) .. _____ _____ ________
R. Flare and Landing. .............................................................................................................. _____ _____ ________
7. Solo Flight Briefing. Time 0:15 Student should know what to do for the entire flight in case
radio communications break down. This is intended to be done immediately before the flight. ......... _____ _____ ________
A. Flight Plan including when and how to get into the seat.
B. Establish how the Instructor will call an abort or go.
C. Have student show what the established visual signals are.
D. Have student explain and motion how to get into the seat (keeping hands up).
E. Have student explain and motion (as able) emergency procedures (Motor failure, Steering failure, Parachutal stall)
F. Have student explain the pattern and landing including when to shut of motor and when to get out of seat.
8. Solo Flight. Time 0:30 ......................................................................................................................... _____ _____ ________
A. After launch and at least 100’ of altitude gain, tell student to let go of brake (if required) before getting into seat THEN tell
him to get into seat. If he is unable to get into the seat, direct him to land to avoid the legs going numb.
B. Climb to safe altitude (at least 300’ recommended).
C. Practice shallow turns as directed including at least one 360 (if able).
D. Throttle into level flight, descent and back into climb.
E. Direct the flight as necessary, call out when to shut off motor, when to get out of seat, when to flare.
PPG 2 Syllabus
This is intended to get the student to a more advanced state where he can more reasonably be on his own with little or no instructor supervision.
The student should go over the equipment with the instructor for appropriate use, care and maintenance.
Objective: Student should be able to make his own decisions on wing layout, launch type, launch location and direction in approved field, flight
pattern, and landing. He should be able to perform the items required of the PPG 2 rating. He should generally be able to operate autonomously
in a wide-open, approved field with good weather.
----Initials---- Curr
Task Stu Instr Date
1. Limitations.......................................................................................................................................... _____ _____ ________
A. Student should consult with an instructor before flying a new area to determine suitability and airspace requirements.
B. Student should not fly with wind, including gusts, at or forecast to be above 10 mph (kiting up to 12 mph).
2. Knowledge
A. FAR 103: ............................................................................................................................ _____ _____ ________
i. Solo operation and only in USA (no tandem allowed except under special exemption).
ii. Where we cannot fly: around bigger airports, military, temporary flight restrictions, sensitive facilities, populated
areas, other as appropriate. Understands that any area to be flown in must be checked for legality.
iii. Night flying prohibition and use of strobe to go 30 minutes past sunset. During that 30 minutes, G airspace only.
iv. What conditions we cannot fly in (visibility and clouds).
v. Limits to commercial operations (recreational only) of getting paid to fly PPG.
vi. Flight physical not required
B. Regulations and Airspace .................................................................................................... _____ _____ ________
i. Sectional charts: obtaining, periodic publication, general structure and use.
ii. Where we fly.
iii. No-Fly areas on charts and how to determine: Class A, B, C, D, surface area of D. Military, National parks.
iv. No-Fly areas other than charts and how to determine: TFR’s, events with large gatherings of people, dignitaries,
nuclear facilities, dams and other sensitive areas.
v. FSS briefing.
vi. Visibility requirements and how to determine from the sectional chart.
C. Preflight. .............................................................................................................................. _____ _____ ________
i. Wind drift, gradients and options to increase range.
ii. How to obtain info from FSS or by computer.
iii. Basic Weather.
1. Avoiding dangerous thermals: what time of year, time of day and type of locations are worse (sun angle,
surface types).
2. Pressure systems, circulation in high’s and low’s, frontal conditions and risks.
3. Convective: cumulous, thunderstorms and “cloud suck”.
4. Sea breeze/land breeze and how an offshore wind can come up quickly.
5. Convergence.
6. Density altitude: barometric pressure, humidity (temp/dewpoint) and elevation.
7. Effects of wind around obstructions.
8. Mountain weather, mechanical turbulence, rotor
9. Wind Gradient.
D. Courtesy and avoiding trouble. ............................................................................................ _____ _____ ________
i. Avoid annoying people by staying in the same area too long or flying too close.
ii. Avoid people’s animals in the same way as avoiding people.
E. Motor .................................................................................................................................. _____ _____ ________
i. Appropriate gas & oil.
ii. Fueling safety (only fuel with jug on ground).
iii. Oil ratio.
iv. Fuel/Air mixture and how to adjust, spark plug color (light brown is good).
v. Regular upkeep requirements of respective unit.
vi. Belt tightness, indication of looseness (chirping)
F. Propeller.............................................................................................................................. _____ _____ ________
i. Repair techniques and their limits.
ii. Static balance, longitudinal and lateral.
iii. Dynamic balance (pitch the same on each blade).
iv. Proper mounting (most curved side forward).
v. Load path and bolt torquing.
G. Wing. .................................................................................................................................. _____ _____ ________
i. Professional Inspection and interval.
ii. Field Repair.
iii. Storage &UV avoidance.
iv. Line make-up (nylon sheath with Kevlar for most), condition, stretch, shrink and avoidance of sharp bends.
v. Porosity.
iv. Ratings: DHV, DULV, AFNOR/CEN meanings, limitations and significance.
H. Reserve (if used))................................................................................................................. _____ _____ ________
i. Selection, operation (fast opening), loading, and installation.
ii. Professional Inspection and repack interval.
iii. Minimizing accidental deployment.
I. Other equipment:
helmet, gloves, footwear, hook knife, string or other tree removal gear. ............................ _____ _____ ________
J. Judgment & Risks: Most common maladies to be avoided.................................................. _____ _____ ________
i. Judgment – most important determiner of survival.
ii. Choosing an appropriately sized field.
iii. Propeller strike via improper starting, holding, being around or using motor.
iv. Improper brake usage such as getting into seat while holding brakes, turning against torque or being heavy handed..
v. Reacting to pendulum instead of doing nothing (unless it is well rehearsed).
vi. Low flying: downwind, maneuvering, power lines.
vii. Water – landing in water leads to drowning. Even getting the wing into moving water can drag the pilot in.
viii. Flying in strong thermals or rotor affected air.
K. Inflight. ............................................................................................................................... _____ _____ ________
i. Judging wind and knowing its effect on groundspeed/drift.
ii. Wind gradient and its effect on climbs.
iii. Estimating fuel quantity (using time, mirror, indicator or other method).
iv. Clearing turns and the need for extra power.
v. Difficulty and methods for recognizing power lines, how to cross them (over poles, at an angle, twice the height).
vi. How to estimate/improve glide in headwind and tailwinds.
vii. Landing backwards (handling a wind beyond landing speed).
viii. Descent techniques and risks: big ears, spirals, B-Line stall.
L. Wing deformation/problem: frontal collapse, asymmetric collapse, cravat ......................... _____ _____ ________
M. Aerodynamics ...................................................................................................................... _____ _____ ________
i. Angle of climb, angle of attack, stall.
ii. Thrustline, hang points and their relationship (eg: high thrustline, low hang points).
iii. Brake’s affect on speed, lift & drag.
iv. Trim speed, min sink rate & speed, best glide ratio & speed, maximizing glide for wind.
v. Why turns produce “G”s and the effect on handling.
v. Aspect ratio – flat and projected.
vi. Affect of wing size and load on speed, launch, handling and landing.
N. Pass PPG 2 written test. ....................................................................................................... _____ _____ ________
3. (Optional) Ground Handling............................................................................................................... _____ _____ ________
A. Kiting without harness using A’s and Brakes/D’s.
B. Kiting without harness using one hand in each riser.
C. Kiting with the brake lines having arms behind risers.
4. Inflation/Launch. ............................................................................................................................... _____ _____ ________
A. Cross-armed reverse.
B. One handed reverse.
C. Steering while running (introduce technique and reasoning).
D. Abnormal.
i. Motor failure right after launch.
ii. Leg straps undone.
iii. Pendulum.
iv. Severe torque turn.
5. Inflight: Maneuvers. ........................................................................................................................... _____ _____ ________
A. Surge Damping (fore/aft)
B. Turns.
i. Maximum brake pull.
ii. Against torque and with torque and risks of turning against it.
iii. Clearing.
iv. Adding power as necessary to stay level.
v. Exiting without pendulum (releasing inside brake slowly).
C. Downwind Operations and Turns: Importance of avoiding low, downwind operations.
D. Airborne restarting procedure.
E. Trimmer use. Explain if not installed.
F. Speedbar use. Explain if not installed.
G. Weight shift turns, value and execution. Explain if not installed.
H. Practice using other accessories (as installed).
6. Inflight: Landing. ............................................................................................................................... _____ _____ ________
A. Spot landing with power and why it’s better in turbulence. Should be able to land within 25’ of a designated target.
B. Spot landing without power. Should be able to land within 50’ of a designated target.
C. PLF (Parachute Landing Fall), how its done and when its appropriate: slightly bent knees, legs together, roll onto hip. In all
likelihood motor will absorb much of the impact from here. Always protect the spine (avoid butt landings).
D. Value and Risks of brake use during spot landings.
E. Energy management and value of “Hands full up prior to first flare”.
F. Water landing. (if time permits, have all straps undone, leave machine and swim away immediately after touchdown)
7. Post flight: Value of cleaning and inspection ...................................................................................... _____ _____ ________
PPG 3 Syllabus
This is intended to get the pilot to operate autonomously in the national airspace system, from more challenging launch locations and be
knowledgeable about the sport in general.
Objective: Student should be able to make his own decisions on flying locations, weather, know how to read charts for the purpose of
determining legality and be able to launch from sites requiring turns during the launch run. He should be able to knowledgably answer questions
about the sport, its gear and limitations.
----Initials---- Curr
Task Stu Instr Date
2. Limitations.......................................................................................................................................... _____ _____ ________
A. FAR limits on airspace and winds according to skill level.
3. Knowledge
A. Flying into controlled fields; methods and radio phraseology (if unable to do this
for the student, recommend them go to a flight school at an airport to have an hour
or so of ground instruction in the subject)............................................................................ _____ _____ ________
B. Motors.` ............................................................................................................................... _____ _____ ________
i. Two stroke and four stroke trade-offs.
ii. Hook-in points and their affect on launch, weight shift and landing. How to adjust.
iii. Distant bars: fixed J-bars, floating j-bars, fixed under-arm bars, pivoting under-arm bars, no bars (Fly 70).
iv. Electrical systems used on paramotors.
v. Clutches – explanation including benefits and drawbacks.
vi. Carburetors: float bowl, membrane, fuel pump.
vii. Fuel system and need for venting.
viii. Fuel/Air mixture, Fuel/Oil mixture.
ix. Reduction drive styles (geared and belt).
x. Torque and asymmetric thrust (having the motor’s center of thrust go off to the side causing the pilot to turn).
C. Wings.
i. Speedbar (more effective, lowers A,B,C).
ii. Trimmers (less effective than speedbar, usually only changes C,D lines).
D. Propellers.
i. Disk size and its relationship to thrust, noise and speed: accelerating a lot of air a little.
ii. Torque, significance of lean-back torque and torque induced lock out (pilot twists left, banks right).
iii. Static Balance tip to tip and leading edge to trailing edge.
iv. Tracking – having each blade pass the same point on the propellers plane (small effect).
v. Dynamic balance – having each blade use the same effective pitch angle.
vi. Adverse effect of vibration on all associated equipment including motor.
E. Affect of high altitude.
i. Higher true airspeed requiring longer run.
ii. Oxygen recommended above 10,000.
iii. Less power to motor to less air.
iv. Benefits of larger wing size and more power.
v. Re-tuning carburetors to maintain the same fuel/air mixture.
F. Inflight. ............................................................................................................................... _____ _____ ________
i. Judging wind and knowing its effect on groundspeed/drift.
ii. Estimating fuel quantity (using time, mirror, indicator or other method).
iii. Clearing turns and the need for extra power.
G. Pass PPG 3 written test, review incorrect answers............................................................... _____ _____ ________
4. (Optional) Ground Handling............................................................................................................... _____ _____ ________
A. Kiting without harness using A’s and Brakes/D’s.
B. Kiting without harness using one hand in each riser.
C. Kiting with the brake lines having arms behind risers.
5. Inflight: Inflation/Launch. .................................................................................................................. _____ _____ ________
A. Cross-armed reverse.
B. One handed reverse.
C. Steering while running (introduce technique and reasoning). Should get to the point where pilot can steer in any upwind
direction desired while running with power on.
D. Abnormal.
i. Motor failure right after launch.
ii. Leg straps undone.
iii. Pendulum.
iv. Severe torque turn.
6. Inflight: Maneuvers. ........................................................................................................................... _____ _____ ________
A. Wingovers and Pendulum damping.
B. Steep turns. In general a turn is considered steep when the pilot feels some increase in “G” load and the brake pressure
required to stay in the turn decreases. Note: Steep turns carry inherent risks and, if practiced, must be done with great and
while care under instructor supervision.
i. Initiating.
ii. Maintaining – extra power required.
iii. Exiting without climbing.
i. Risks: spin, dive, extra load on gear, blackout, extra sensitive controls, “over-the-nose” lockout, disorientation.
C. Precision Turns.
i. Maximum brake pull.
ii. Coordinating – making the wing track so as to avoid tip collapses when recovering.
iii. Adding power as necessary to stay level.
iv. Exiting without pendulum (releasing brake slowly).
D. Steep turns (optional). In general a turn is considered steep when the pilot feels some increase in “G” load and the brake
pressure required to stay in the turn decreases. Note: Steep turns carry inherent risks and, if practiced, must be done with
great care under.
i. Initiating & Maintaining – extra power required.
ii. Exiting without climbing.
iii. Risks – spin, dive, extra load on gear, blackout, extra sensitive controls.
E. Airborne restarting procedure.
F. Slow flight
7. Inflight: Landing. ............................................................................................................................... _____ _____ ________
A. Spot landing with power and why it’s better in turbulence. Should be able to land within 15’ of a designated target.
B. Spot landing without power. Should be able to land within 25’ of a designated target.
C. Value and Risks of brake use during spot landings.
D. Energy management and value of “Hands full up prior to first flare”.
E. Landing backwards (getting caught in strong winds).
A-Lines The forward most row of lines going from their riser up to the leading edge of the wing.
B-Lines The second most forward row of lines going from their riser up to the wing immediately behind the row
of A-Lines.
Brake line The line going from the brake toggle, through a pulley on the rear riser up to the trailing edge of the
Brake toggle The handle, attached to the end of a brake line, that the pilot holds onto for applying brakes.
C-Lines The third row of lines going from their riser up to the wing immediately behind the row of B-Lines.
Carabiner The attachment that clips that the risers clip into. It is generally left on the motor’s harness although it
is quickly removed. Some machines also have an alternate method of hooking in that may use a
“screw on” type.
D-Lines The forth row of lines going from their riser up to the wing immediately behind the row of C-Lines.
Some wings do not have this row (they are considered “3-riser” wings).
Leading Edge The forward most part of the wing when in flight.
Maillions See “Quick Links”
Pendulum The left-right swaying action that can happen in flight.
Quick Links The steel rings that connect the wing’s A, B, C or D lines to their respective riser. Also called Maillions.
Simulator A device that allows the pilot and motor can be hung from the carabiners. It may also provide brake
handles on bungies or other enhancements to improve realism. It is used by most instructors to give
the student a feeling for the motor, throttle, brakes and harness and other aspects of flying or to
practice things that are dangerous to practice in flight.
Risers The thick series of strap-like material (A, B, C, and D usually) that connect the harness to the wing’s
lines. Riser loop is the lowest portion that connects to the carabiner, it fans out into the A, B, C and D
risers with quick links at each end.
Stabilo Line Line that goes to the very tip of the wing.
Surge The characteristic of the wing to overfly the pilot under some conditions. It can be induced by pilot
action or turbulence.
Trailing Edge The rearmost part of the wing when in flight.
It is recommended to have students get into the habit of doing a check after being completely ready to fly
and just before starting the launch inflation. Other preflight actions such as checking weather, choosing a
safe launch area and preflight of the gear must be done prior to this point.
The Launch Checklist can be done in about 12 seconds before the run-up. Have them say, while physically
checking, “leg, leg, chest, and chin,” then “brakes, ‘biners; trimmers and zippers” then clear the path, do the
run-up and launch when ready.
Launch Checklist Action Say (memory aid)
1. Leg strap left Fastened and adjusted. Leg
2. Leg strap right Fastened and adjusted. Leg
3. Chest straps Fastened and adjusted. Chest and
4. Helmut strap secure Fastened and adjusted. Chin;
5. Brakes Correct hand, clear to pulley. Brakes,
6. Carabiners Closed, locked ‘Biners,
7. Trimmers Adjusted for takeoff. Trimmers and
8. Straps and loose items Secure and Zipped. Zippers;
9. Run-up Full power available, Kill test. Power,
10. Launch path Clear arrival/departure path Path and go
Note: If using a reserve parachute, include a look at the pin(s) when checking for straps and loose items.
The procedure below (or similar) should be taught for clearing turns. It should be rehearsed in the simulator
and can be done in about 2 seconds. The goal is to make it a habit pattern.
Turning Action
1. Look Turn head in direction of turn
2. Shallow Apply light brake pressure in direction of turn
3. Up/Down Look above and below in the direction of turn
4. Turn Apply desired brake pressure to turn
The procedure below is also best taught with the student in a simulator. Even if the training machine does not
have a reserve, it’s helpful to expose students to the procedure and have them understand the importance of
rehearsing it before each flight where a reserve could be used.
Reserve Toss Action
1. Kill Press and hold the kill switch.
2. Look Physically look down at your reserve handle,
3. Pull Grab the handle and pull it out
4. Clear & Look around for clear air (not into your parglider)
5. Throw Throw it hard!